Rabbit Care Guide
Rabbits are the most wonderful little creatures, full of sass and love. The more we learn about rabbits, we are finding they are much more complex creatures than we first thought. New information is available constantly on proper rabbit care. We owe it to these little fluff bundles to keep updating our own knowledge. I am not the perfect rabbit owner, I did things wrong in the beginning, but I am learning and forever improving how I care for my bunnies. Here is a small(ish) guide to basic rabbit care. I will write more in depth blogs in the future.
Bunnies need a 3m x 2m x 1m space to live in. We recommend indoors, but safe outdoor set up in sheds can work. Rabbits are at risk of heat stroke over 25C, they are not very good at regulating temperature. See our blog here on staying cool.
A rabbit’s diet consists of unlimited good quality feeding hay (timothy or meadow), Burgess Excel Adult food or Science Selective Adult for bunnies over 16 weeks, or Burgess Excel Junior for babies and lactating mums. Bunnies need access to fresh water. Bottles can work, but we recommend bowls.
We all love a treats, and like us hooms, bunnies should only have treats in moderation. New foods should be introduced slowly. If there are any changes in their poop, please stop new food and seek veterinarian advice. Also if a rabbit is off their food, they need to see a vet immediately.
Please see our guide on what bunnies eat here.
Bathroom Habits
Bunnies poop a lot. Poops should be round, uniform in size and colour (ideally golden). Bunnies also make a special poop called caecotrophs. These look like blackberries and are eaten straight away. If they are left, you can try feeding to bunny. If they are making lots, this is something to discuss with a vet as they diet may be too rich.
If your bunnies’ bathroom habits change rapidly, please contact your vet.
Rabbits can be litter trained. It is best to put hay in the litter tray as they like to eat while doing their business – they do not have smart phones to scroll through!
Sawdust is not recommended for bunnies. A paper-based litter is better. We use Back2Nature recycled paper litter. It is very absorbent, dust free and biodegradable.
Litter trays should be cleaned with vinegar and sodium bicarb. No not use chemicals or essential oils on or around your bunny. Bunnies themselves should not smell, and therefore cleaning them is unnecessary – never bathe a rabbit. Smells associated with rabbits is likely from an unclean litter tray, but if bunny is mucky, wipe clean the area and consult a vet.
Bunnies are social creatures and do best in boy/girl pairs (post spay and neuter!) but can also be bonded into groups.
Rabbits should not live with guinea pigs. They are two different species that communicate differently, need different food and can pass illness between them.
No one likes getting their shots, but bunnies need to have year vaccinations from RHD1, RHD2 and Myxomatosis. These are highly contagious and fatal illnesses for rabbits.